In the Art of War, Sun Tzu may not have written, "Know your enemy so you do not get scammed by them," but in today's digital age, it is essential for you to Know Your Customer to win the battle against fraud. Fraudsters’ tactics are increasingly sophisticated, and you need to bolster your defenses to fight off their onslaught.
This luncheon program will arm you against their attacks by highlighting scammers' vulnerabilities, teaching you to recognize telltale signs of a scam and introducing you to U.S. Commercial Service programs to help you find the right international business partners and succeed in winning new markets for your goods or services.
Louise Kern will discuss identifying scamming emails and provide tips for vetting your potential business partners to ensure that you are working with legitimate companies. She will be joined by Monica Toporkiewicz of the U.S. Commercial Service who will describe what government programs and policies can help protect your business ventures around the world and find reputable international partners.
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